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It's possible your child is simply missing some key developmental steps that you can provide.

Did you know that Autism is a developmental disability ?  

Filling in the gaps in your child's development changes everything.

Do you want to know how to help your child at home so they can learn easily?

When you understand how speech develops, helping your child learn and speak easily comes naturally.

You CAN help your child.  
Apply the right tools in the right developmental time.

Are you ready to understand why your child isn't talking?

Are you tired of being on the speech therapy waiting list while your child just gets older?

Are you tired of going to so many different professionals, and still watching your child struggle?

Are you ready to try something different?

STOP wasting time on what isn't working.

Eliminate gaps between your effort and their development.

Building skill is easy when your child wants to learn.

Find the right skill to create ease in learning.

Let go of the struggle.

Embrace a better way.

Engage.  Move.  Communicate.

Discover an easier framework to develop speech.

Gain insight, support and guidance.


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Grow Past Speech Delay event.

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developmentally appropriate, relationship based, trauma informed and neurodivergent affirming speech language pathology services

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