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Areas of Expertise

As a speech language pathologist, I am passionate about seeing children reach their full potential.

As a bodyworker, I am passionate about releasing limitations of adults.


Through over 16 years of providing speech therapy services, I specialized in the areas of feeding, regulation, sensory integration, movement, cognition, attachment and oral motor skills.  I easily understand and address why children aren't effectively communicating.  I guide parents to deepen understanding of their child, increase communication skills and develop greater language, speech and feeding skills.

I work with adults to facilitate a greater sense of connection, ease and relaxation within the body.  I specialize in the areas of MNRI, Yoga, Swedish Massage and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.  I provide massage services for Medicaid Waiver Clients on the CES, SLS, CHRP and CLLI waivers within Elbert and Kit Carson County.

My bias will always be that human potential is infinite.

Contact Me

451 14th St

Burlington, CO


Phone:  (719) 342-0246


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